Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mi Casa es Su Casa

     In the wake of recent controversial statements on immigration made by presidential hopeful Donald Trump, many Americans are asking ... should the gate be open or closed? Opponents to immigration reform fear that an influx of immigrants from Mexico and other countries could unbalance the already precarious state of the American economy ... and possibly result in an increase of violent crimes, such as the Pier 14 shooting in San Francisco.
     However, proponents of the movement believe that allowing immigrants a pathway towards citizenship will increase the amount of talent, especially in STEM fields, and will thus be positive for the economy. Many businesses have also expressed support for immigration reform, stating that a significant portion of company talent comes from other sides of the borders and indeed overseas.
    As a border state in the southwest, Arizona is one of the states at the forefront of the immigration debate. Certain Arizona lawmakers believe that illegal immigrants will cause problems for both the local economy and its citizens. But by limiting citizenship, companies and universities are also limited to the pool of talent confined by these borders.
     America is said to be the Land of the Free - but the question remains, who gets to enjoy this legendary freedom? Are the fences keeping out criminals ... or engineers, doctors and innovators?

To read more about the immigration controversy, read "The U.S. Immigration Debate" by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Renwick, Danielle and Lee, Brianna. "The U.S. Immigration Debate"

What's the real immigration problem? Leave your comments below ... 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Chritiana,

    I loved your take on immigrations impact on America's ranking in STEM fields. At one point in time America was "top dog" in all things academic, but increased immigration security has limited the wealth of fresh ideas and perspectives which once made this country great.
